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  • 快充→快速充电:fast charging 那快充模式就是 fast charging mode
  • 进行放电循环:conducted discharge cycles
  • 电池续航能力:battery longevity

1. 尽量做到让手机的电池电量比例保持在30%到80%,减少放电循环次数
2. 尽量不要把手机置于高温和低温环境中,这会影响电池的续航能力
3. 如果手机提醒电池最大容量小于75%,应及时更换电池


Recently, many smartphones have introduced "fast charging" modes. There is a common belief that fast charging accelerates battery aging, but data shows otherwise. In an experiment, scientists set charging powers of 120W and 18W for six iQOO 7 smartphones and conducted 500 discharge cycles. The results showed that the battery capacity of the fast-charging group decreased by 12.3%, while the slow-charging group decreased by 11.8%, indicating no significant difference. A similar experiment with Apple phones even showed that the fast-charging group performed slightly better than the slow-charging group. This suggests that using fast charging mode has little impact on the health of smartphone batteries.

So, what should we do to better maintain our phone batteries and delay aging? Researchers offer three suggestions:
1. Try to keep the battery charge level between 30% and 80% to reduce the number of discharge cycles.
2. Avoid exposing your phone to extreme high or low temperatures, as this can affect battery longevity.
3. If your phone indicates that the maximum battery capacity is below 75%, it is advisable to replace the battery promptly.
In fact, the aging of smartphone batteries is a long-term process, and there is no need to let your "battery anxiety" escalate to "mental anxiety." If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up. Thank you!
