约 214 个字 50 行代码 1 张图片 预计阅读时间 1 分钟
the lab is mainly about managing the environment
so some details will be written down in the note!
1. How to run the java
For example, to run
, we'd type the command javac
into the terminal, followed by the command java HelloWorld
. The result would look something like this:
$ javac
$ java HelloWorld
Hello World!
2 Git_Exercise
PS D:\MyRepository\cs61b\cs61b_W1> mkdir lab1-checkoff
目录: D:\MyRepository\cs61b\cs61b_W1
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 2024/8/2 10:45 lab1-checkoff
PS D:\MyRepository\cs61b\cs61b_W1> cd lab1-checkoff
PS D:\MyRepository\cs61b\cs61b_W1\lab1-checkoff> git init .
Initialized empty Git repository in D:/MyRepository/cs61b/cs61b_W1/lab1-checkoff/.git/
PS D:\MyRepository\cs61b\cs61b_W1\lab1-checkoff> code 61b.txt
PS D:\MyRepository\cs61b\cs61b_W1\lab1-checkoff> git add 61b.txt
PS D:\MyRepository\cs61b\cs61b_W1\lab1-checkoff> git commit -m "Add 61b.txt"
[master (root-commit) 937e0db] Add 61b.txt
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 61b.txt
PS D:\MyRepository\cs61b\cs61b_W1\lab1-checkoff> code 61c.txt
PS D:\MyRepository\cs61b\cs61b_W1\lab1-checkoff> code 61b.txt
PS D:\MyRepository\cs61b\cs61b_W1\lab1-checkoff> git add 61c.txt 61b.txt
PS D:\MyRepository\cs61b\cs61b_W1\lab1-checkoff> git commit -m "Update 61b.txt and add 61c.txt"
[master 9cc17d2] Update 61b.txt and add 61c.txt
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
create mode 100644 61c.txt
PS D:\MyRepository\cs61b\cs61b_W1\lab1-checkoff> code 61b.txt
PS D:\MyRepository\cs61b\cs61b_W1\lab1-checkoff> git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: 61b.txt
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
PS D:\MyRepository\cs61b\cs61b_W1\lab1-checkoff> git log
commit 9cc17d22271bf48edc6e8dcfa219889505df348f (HEAD -> master)
Author: Slowist Lee <>
Date: Fri Aug 2 10:50:38 2024 +0800
Update 61b.txt and add 61c.txt
commit 937e0db2abaef821b10affca3e83a561292f327e
Author: Slowist Lee <>
Date: Fri Aug 2 10:48:16 2024 +0800
Add 61b.txt
Submitting to Gradescope
- Add your assignment directory using
git add
. For example, for Lab 1, from your repo root (sp24-***
) you would usegit add lab01
. From the assignment directory, you could usegit add .
. - Commit the files using
git commit -m "<commit message here>"
. The commit message is required. For example,git commit -m "Finished Lab 1"
. - Push your code to your remote repository with
git push origin main
. - Open the assignment on Gradescope. Select Github, then your
repository and themain
branch, then submit your assignment. You will receive a confirmation email, and the autograder will run automatically.
Gradescope will use the latest version of your code from Github. If you think that Gradescope isn’t grading the right code, check that you have added, committed, and pushed with git status
git clone
create a new directory which is named the same as the remote repository itself. So after cloning it, make sure tocd cs61b
instead of adding branches in the original vault. the fatal message could be: