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1 Make a Class

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print("hello world") - JAVA: error: class, interface enum or record expected - class(类) is expected in JAVA \(\Rightarrow\) JAVA is an object-oriented(面向对象) programming language

public class HelloWorld{ //define
//main method is written in class
    public static void main(String[] args){

  • This equals to the blank program written in python \(\rightarrow\)

the whole program is \(\rightarrow\)

public class HelloWorld{ //define
//main method is written in class
    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println("Hello world");//print hello world
  • In Java, all code must be part of a class, which defines with public class
  • inside must be public static void main(String[] args){ and }

2 Hello Number

we need to help Java find x

In Java, you have to declare that it exists first (Actually make it easier to read the code ~~maybe a bit longer~~ )

public class HelloWorld{ 
    public static void main(String[] args){
        int x;
  • variable has types. it is NOT admitted to say x='horse' after you declare int x;
    • Actually python has types as well. You can't add horse and 5:

\(\Rightarrow\) Invalid Syntax

in Java, code can't even run...

3 function

public class HelloWorld{ 
    public static int larger(int x, int y){
        if (x>y){
            return x;
            return y;
    public static void main(String[] args){
  • to define a function we use public static
  • it can only return ONE value

4 how Java functions?

alt text

5 Features of Object-Oriented Programming

  • Modularity(模块化)
    • interact with the module without knowing what's inside
    • how?
      • we write a class to build a module
      • write codes inside to create instances(创建实例) of that class

in Python, you write:

Class car:
    def __init__(self,m):  
    # constructor, to create a new instance
        self.model = m
        self.wheels = 4
    def drive(self):
        if self.wheels<4:
            print(self.model + "break down")
        print(self.model + "booooooooooooooom")
    def getNumWheels(self):
        return self.wheels
    def driveintoDitch(self,wheelsLost):
    # wheelsLost represents the num lost by driving into ditch
    # That means: in a class, you can also change the object itself:

c1 = Car("c1")
c2 = Car("c2")

in Java, it's: attention to this

public class Car{
    public String model;
    public int wheels;
    public Car(String m){
        // "this" is a reference to the current object being created here
    public void drive(){
        if (this.wheels<4){
            System.out.println(this.model+"break down");
    public int getNumWheels(){
        return this.wheels;
    public void driveIntoDitch(int wheelsLost){
        this.wheels = this.wheels - wheelsLost
    public static void main(String[] args){
    // to execute, put it in function main

    // firstly, declare that c1&c2 exists
        Car c1;
        Car c2;
        c1 = new Car("c1");
        c2 = new Car("c2"); //new helps Java know that you're creating a new object;
  • Tips:
    public int getNumWheels(){
        return this.wheels;

in this function, actually this is optional -> there's only ONE wheel in this script

alt text

6 Some Syntax

  • Some boolean operators are as follows:
Python Java
and &&
or `
not !
== ==
  • Exponentiation
Python Java
x = 2**10 int x = Math.pow(2, 10);

Note that ^ in Java is the "XOR" operator, not the exponentiation operation. That is, 2 ^ 10 is valid code, but it will return 8, not 1024.
