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This project is all about just recycle …… actually it's not difficult since you have the test points here.

1. is it empty or full or ... ?

Since the document warns us only to design the vertical movement, let's consider what situation can a single column be in. if it's empty? we don't need to do any actions. just skip it. since i want to use for loop, i just design "if not empty", do something.

2. for a single cell? take the 1st '2' for e.g.

1st 2nd 3th 4th
2 0 2 2
considering the '2' located in the 1st space.
for the element, it will traverse the following element \(\rightarrow\) until……
- firstly, it's not null.
then it compares.
- if the next element is '2' as well -> merge into 4
- not: stay in the cell before it.

the progress in my mind could be → 1. traverse the following cell from self, until the last empty cell, which located in \([n]\) 2. compare 3. if same, score increases & move to \([n+1]\). else, move to \([n]\)

now u see, the program behind merge is slightly different from just move to another position. so! you can code two different functions to complete the whole move.

3. special occasions

now there're some special occasions.

3.1 on the side?

we only consider the move inside the board. what if it is on the side?
